Make your lifestyle and health compatible
Adopting a healthy lifestyle or losing weight is not about willpower. It's not about fighting against your own will. It is about doing what your current needs, desires and lifestyle will allow. Everything you do in your day is a choice, and most of us, when given the opportunity, will choose something that we like or at least something we don't dislike too much.
If you are uncomfortable in water, it is unreasonable to force yourself to do aqua-aerobics. If you really hate exercise then you are not likely to follow through on a plan to get up early every morning and go to the gym.
However, if you have a best friend who wants to be more active, perhaps the two of you can take regular walks together, enjoying the time to chat? If you like watching movies or TV, you can get an exercise bike or simply walk in place in your living room, while watching TV to help pass the time.
The same is true with food. If you are like me and don't like meat very much, you are going to be very unhappy and cranky on a low-carb plan. It won't take many days before your family will beg you to stop your diet efforts. If you like pasta, there is no reason you can't have pasta. You just can't have a large plate full and expect the scale to decrease.
The reason there are so many diets on the market is because they each appeal to different people. Learning to live healthy requires learning to be happy with your lifestyle. That lifestyle needs to be unique to you. It needs to fit your schedule, incorporate activities you enjoy and include foods you like to eat.