Fruity thoughts to keep fit
I am a big fan of seasonal produce, and summertime is fruit season. In the store where I shop, the first fruits displayed in the produce section are the peaches and nectarines. I think they do this intentionally because of the wonderful smell. Every year it gets me in the mood for summer fruit treats.
A friend of mine recently joined Weight Watchers, and its current program includes unlimited fresh, whole fruit. So, with all of that in mind, I'd like to share some fruity thoughts with you.
There are a lot of fruits available that take very little preparation. These are simple to have on hand for a quick snack to grab.
Apples and bananas travel well. They don't need refrigeration and create very little mess.
Cherries, my personal favorite, are available for a very short time each year, so it's hard to get tired of them. They are even easier to prepare than grapes; you don't have to pull them off the stems, just rinse and chill. Since it takes longer to eat them, you get more taste satisfaction than other foods. They make a perfect evening snack.
Grapes are fantastic frozen, great for our hot summers. You can freeze peeled bananas too.
Melons take a bit more preparation. But once they're done, you'll have a lot of food. Cantaloupe is so sweet, who needs ice cream? Watermelon is a perfect low-calorie sweet treat for little swimmers. Kids love digging their faces into a big slice.
Add fruit instead of sugar to your oatmeal. It makes for a much bigger portion, will give you more chewing satisfaction and you'll get a lot more nutrition.
So take advantage of what's fresh and treat yourself to some summer fruits.