Don't let 'food pusher' get you
For someone who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, temptations are everywhere you look. Unfortunately, simply "not looking" won't always keep those goodies away. There always seems to be at least one "food pusher" around. This is the person that has to make sure you have a big helping of whatever they spent all day making. It might be someone at work, or it might be a relative. You don't want to hurt their feelings, but you also don't want to have to work off all those calories in that homemade baklava!
What should you do when faced with this dilemma? Be straightforward with the person. Tell them you are watching what you eat and just can't afford the calories right now. If you have a health issue such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you can mention that. You can even blame your doctor: "Oh, I'd love to, but I have to see the doctor next week, and I really need to keep my numbers in check." I prefer this option because it creates accountability and sets a precedent.
Other options include take the food and don't eat it, take it home to someone else, throw it out, or take only a small portion.
If you are faced with the situation in which you feel obligated to have a large helping because your boss (or your aunt) made it especially for you, you'll have to make allowances for it afterward. Work in some extra cardio time and cut back a bit on other meals. One helping of a high-calorie dish is not enough to completely derail your food plan.
One final thought: should you recognize yourself as a food pusher, please be kind to those who are struggling with their weight.