Plan ahead to stay on the right track
If this time of year were merely about a couple of holidays, it might not have such an impact on our food plans. But there are parties and goodies on everyone's desk, and neighbors who bake, and the temptations seem never ending.
The best defense, as they say, is often a good offense. In this case, that means you need to plan ahead.
Now, more than ever, is the best time to keep healthy snacks around. Whatever your food plan is, keep snacks on hand that fit your plan. This way you won't end up with those 3 p.m. hunger pangs that lead you to your co-worker's fudge. That's not to say you shouldn't enjoy this time of year and have a piece, but have it when you can taste it slowly and
enjoy it, rather than eating it because it's there and you're hungry.
Parties are another food-plan danger. There seem to be two schools of thought. One says to eat a lot ahead of time, so you don't eat anything at the party, and the other says don't eat all day so you can indulge all you want.
Our bodies work best when we feed them on a fairly regular schedule. You might be more successful if you spend your day eating normally. Then, when you get to the party, you can enjoy yourself, responsibly. Eat slowly, taste your food, and focus on the company rather than the cheese dip.
And, of course, be careful with alcohol. In addition to being empty calories, it inhibits the brain's receptors that let you know you are full. It can actually make you feel hungrier and thus more likely to eat. Again, enjoy yourself, but have two glasses of water between each drink.