Water can ease cravings
Here in the hot, dry desert, water is the best way to stay hydrated, but sometimes it's hard to drink as much water as we should.
It helps to remember the reasons that we need water. Much of our bodies are made of water, and we need to keep that supply replenished. Water is used for everything from digestion to mental processing. Dehydration can lead to digestive problems and can affect our ability to stay focused and think clearly.
There is water in food. When we don't keep our bodies properly hydrated, they may start creating hunger signals. When our bodies sense a shortage, they will attempt to get water from food. This is why drinking a glass of water will sometimes satisfy hunger.
Water also can help wash away cravings. When you've just had a satisfying meal, but you are still feeling like you want more to eat, that is usually a craving. If you are at home, you can try brushing your teeth, but what if you are at a restaurant and are eyeing that dessert cart? Try sipping a glass of water. It will give your mouth and hands something to do, cleanse your palate and may allow you to resist that temptation.
If you find that you really don't like drinking plain water, there are many flavored water options available. Also, you can add just a small amount of fruit juice (about a fourth of a cup to 8 ounces of water) to make it more flavorful.
If you know you don't drink enough water, start slow and make an effort to add a little into each day. Over time, you will get accustomed to drinking more water and will start feeling the benefits.