Review of daily plan should include diet & activities
Most of us take some time each morning to think about what needs to be done that day. There might be clients to call, paperwork to finish, kids to shuttle, or bathtubs to scrub.
This is also the best time of day to consider how you will spend your calories and where you can add in some activity.
If you know that you have a lot of errands to run, you can plan to park in the back of the lot. If you have a lot of meetings to attend, plan to take the stairs if you need to go to different floors. Commit to parking further out in the lot at work.
Think about the tasks you have that day that can be done while standing rather than sitting. Making phone calls, clipping coupons, even reading the newspaper can all be done while standing.
Ask yourself if there is time to get in a dedicated workout. If you already have one planned for that day, make sure you add it to your mental checklist and consider the reasons you are looking forward to it, such as reading a new book, listening to your favorite tunes or chatting with a friend.
What are your meals for that day? Do you have a business lunch or a heavier meal planned for dinner? Now is the time to reorganize your breakfast and snacks to accommodate those extra calories.
In addition to reviewing your day, take the time to reconnect to your commitment. Remind yourself of the reasons that you want to stick to your plan. Go over your list of motivations: weight loss, clothes fitting better, more energy, class reunion, vacation, longer life. Make it a daily habit, and the healthier habits will get easier.