Traveling can challenge eating habits
Traveling can be a big challenge when you are trying to live a healthful lifestyle. You can organize your home and most of your life to avoid the temptations, but once you leave your healthful environment, they appear everywhere you look.
At restaurants, it's usually pretty easy to order what you want.
Also, most restaurants are willing to cook to order. You can request a salad instead of fries, or hold the mayonnaise or the toast. Don't feel guilty if you don't eat all your food.
But how do you handle a visit with friends or family? Your hosts might buy and cook food especially for you. This makes it's very difficult to turn down.
Your best bet is to run as much interference as you can ahead of time. Make sure people know you are trying to eat healthfully. Bring some healthful food, especially snacks.
Have conversations about the food that will allow you to collect information on it, such as: "Oh, that looks tasty, how did you make it?" Then you can have a little bit of everything and go back for seconds on the things that you know are going to fit in best with your plan.
Some trips involve only a short stay with others. If this is the case, you might allow your plan to get a bit off track for a day or two. Usually, when the stay is shorter, hosts will not plan elaborate meals for your entire stay. This will allow you to eat as healthfully as possible whenever you can, and indulge a little for the more special meal occasions.
Finally, enjoy your travel, and don't completely deprive yourself. Don't over-indulge, but do plan to have a treat now and then.