Healthy examples can inspire others
A client recently shared a story with me. A close family member was told that she had cancer. Upon hearing the news, the entire family rallied together and started making the necessary plans for care giving, etc. After speaking to the doctor, it was determined that there was a mix-up. There was no cancer but she did have dangerously high blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. The doctors told her that this was actually worse than cancer. Her current situation could kill her or incapacitate her at any moment with no notice.
How did the family react to this news? Relief and life back to normal.
This type of attitude is common. These diseases are called "silent killers" for a very good reason. There are often no symptoms before a deadly or debilitating heart attack or stroke.
There are many reasons beyond the number on the scale for choosing a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the person in the story I shared is not overweight.
Obesity is not considered a disease but a symptom. No one actually dies of "being fat," they die from organ failure, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. It is a result of poor lifestyle habits.
My client is trying to change the family's perspective by living the proper example. This is something we all can do for our loved ones. In addition to our children, many of us are caring in some capacity for aging parents as well.
Living a healthy lifestyle influences everyone in our lives. By choosing good foods and staying active, you can easily inspire many people around you. People will notice. They will notice if you lose weight, if you have more energy and if your overall outlook and attitude have improved. They will ask what you are doing and will often later tell you that you inspired them to make changes as well. All of these changes follow from making healthy lifestyle choices. And all of this will happen without you having to initiate a single conversation yourself.