Don't let "fat genes" control your life
There has been a lot of news lately about scientists discovering and isolating “fat genes” and other genetic pre-dispositions to obesity. Seeing so many of these stories is cause for concern, but perhaps for different reasons than you might think.
I’m very worried that when a seriously obese person sees these stories, it will cause them to lose hope. They could easily think that since they may well be genetically pre-disposed to be obese, they are just “stuck” with their weight and won’t ever be able to do anything about it. If you are one of these people (or if you know someone who is) please let me assure you that there is absolutely no reason to lose hope of reaching a healthy weight.
Look at alcoholism. We have known for some time that many people are born pre-disposed to alcoholism. Their bodies simply do not process alcohol the way others do and they have little or no ability to stop drinking once they start. However, if that person never starts drinking, he or she can’t become an alcoholic. Even if that person starts drinking and develops a problem, there are many successful programs that have proved they can overcome the disease and become healthy.
The same is true of obesity. I believe many people are born with a tendency to put on weight more easily than others. We all know people that can seemingly eat anything and never gain an ounce, while others of us will have to watch every bite for the rest of our lives.
We can sit around and complain about how unfair it is, or we can realize that just about everyone has something in their life they struggle with, and ours just happens to be food.
Just as for alcoholics, there are many successful programs such as Weight Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous, available to help you overcome your pre-disposition to obesity. You can gain control over the food and overcome your genetics to reach a healthy weight.
I have said before that I am a foodaholic. I have an unhealthy addiction to food. I chose Weight Watchers and still attend meetings the same way an alcoholic attends AA even though they are sober. There are foods I do not allow in my home because I know I can’t resist the temptation. I know my limits and maintain constant vigilance. I ask my family for help. For instance, if we are going out to eat at a restaurant where I know I will have difficulties, I make a plan ahead of time, discuss it with my husband and ask him to help me stick with my plan.
So please, no matter how dim the outlook, don’t lose hope of attaining a healthy weight. And for any of you out there that need a boost over the rough spots, feel free to call or email me any time. We’ll chat and find a way to get you on track.
Until next time, stay healthy and be happy.