Age and Exercise
The Best Time for Exercise
Food Tip: Fruit |
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Are you too old to start an exercise routine?
Well, since you are receiving this newsletter from me, of course you know the answer: absolutely not!
I know that it's hard when you feel so out of place in the fitness world, but I’ve got some excellent news for you. As America is aging, the fitness world is changing to accommodate the population!
We have gyms for women, gyms for men, and now we have gyms specifically created for a more mature crowd.
I've listed some sites below.
Club 50 Fitness offers complete fitness and nutrition for men and women 40 and older.
See them here: http://www.club50fitness.com
Nifty After 50 is a full-service facility for members 50 and older. They also offer physical therapy services for all ages.
Take a look: http://www.niftyafterfifty.com/
And, if these options don’t appeal to you, there is also the Silver Sneakers program. This is a terrific program that works with gyms throughout the country to create programs tailored to seniors. These gyms offer classes specifically designed for senior fitness and they have staff that is educated in senior fitness needs. And the best part is that under certain insurance plans, the cost of the program is covered!
Check it out here: http://www.silversneakers.com
So now, even age is no excuse for not being fit and healthy. |
When is the best time to exercise?
Clients are always asking me: "When is the best time of the day to exercise?"
Is it first thing in the morning? After work? Is it better to break it up or do it all at once?
A lot of time, money and effort has been spent trying to answer this question. And after all is said and done, the results are as numerous and varied as the studies themselves. No wonder the question is so common.
Well, guess what? Today is your lucky day. I’m going to give you the one and only definitive answer to the question.
Are you ready?
Here it is. Beyond any doubt, the absolute very best time of day to exercise is inarguably: the time of day that you will do it!!!
If you are a morning person and it works best for you to get your workout done before your day starts, do it then. If you drag yourself out of bed barely able to get to the office on time and need to get your workout done on the way home, good for you. If some days it’s one and some days it’s the other, fantastic.
If you tell yourself there is only one effective time to get your workout done and that time doesn’t work for you, you are not very likely to stick to your plan. So, get moving most days of the week for at least 30 minutes, whenever you can work it into your schedule.
Oh, and speaking of time – if you’ve been thinking about getting started on a new food plan and/or fitness routine, now is a truly excellent time. Of course, I would say that no matter what time it was, but seriously, it really is a good time.
Depending on what part of the country you're in, kids are back in school this week, or soon thereafter. This will free up a little time in the day, particularly for stay at home parents.
And, I hate to remind you, but you know as well as I do that as soon as the kids go back to school, that time of year is just around the corner.
Why not jump on the fitness train and get some good momentum going right now to help carry you through the holidays?
So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to get started, I’m telling you, it’s just not gonna get any more perfect than now. |
Even though it’s August, there’s still plenty of sweet summer fruit available. Get it in while you still can.
When you go to the store, buy up enough to last a few days and wash all of it up when you get home so that it's ready to eat. Then, when you have that attack for something sweet, you’ve got a nice fresh piece of fruit to reach for instead of that cookie. |